St. Laurence's Church of England

Primary School & Little Treasures' Nursery

Welcome to Year 4

As children settle into KS2 we aim to continue to build resilience and independence during year 4. Children are given more responsibilities and opportunities for independent learning. They continue to build on the curriculum started in Year 3, while also preparing for the move to upper juniors. Please feel free to come in at any time to discuss any issues or ask any questions you have.


This is a vital area for children. They need to develop their reading fluency and speed. This is an important skill, which also helps with their language development. Children in year 4 need to begin to develop their comprehension skills, especially with inference style questions (questions where you have ' to read between the lines' to find answers). We ask that you read with your child at least three times a week. Thank you for your support, it does make a difference!


In Year 4, we continue to follow the Read, Write Inc scheme for spelling. The children will have a daily spelling session, often working with partners to look at spelling patterns. In addition, we will also look at the 'tricky' words which are exceptions to the normal rules. Six 'tricky' words will be stuck in your child's spelling log and these will be tested on a Friday morning. These words are repeated from year 3, in order to build confidence and precision. The test will be done in the spelling section of your child's diary so that you can see how they got on.

We would be grateful if you would sign the spelling log each week to confirm that you have seen the words that your child is practising.


In year 4 children will receive one piece of homework a week. This could be either literacy or numeracy based, or it maybe a project or an art topic. Homework is given out on a Monday and can be returned to my class any time before Friday.

Learning all the times tables up to 12 x 12 is one of the key objectives in Year 4. Every week children will focus on a single times table or a mixture. All children have a short times tables assessment on a Friday (these scores should be given in your child's reading diary). Please help your child learn their times tables, as they can help with many areas of maths.

Main topic

We cover a variety of topics in year 4 but our main topic is The Romans, and what the Romans did for England. We also have a maps based topic, researching Europe. In science we look at electricity, sound and plants and animals.

Other important information

  • PE days may change in different terms so please read the newsletter for more information. Children may also need to have warm PE clothes in school and have earrings removed.
  • Children can continue to have music lessons, please contact the office for information.
  • Club letters will be sent out at the beginning of a new term.
Mrs Parkes  Teacher    Monday - Wednesday(alternate)

Mrs Parkes Teacher Monday - Wednesday(alternate)