St. Laurence's Church of England

Primary School & Little Treasures' Nursery

  SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities




Our SENCO is Mrs Jenna Caine

Our assistant SENCO is Mrs Claire Sampson

Please feel free to email us if you need any advice or support on: [email protected]


St Laurence’s Primary School is an inclusive school and all teachers:

  • Do everything they can to meet pupils’ special educational needs.
  • Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in activities alongside their peers,
  • Provide high-quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils.

The needs of our children will be identified at the earliest possible stage and every effort will be made to maximise potential for learning.  At St Laurence’s we aim to give equal opportunities to children of all abilities including those who find learning a challenge, or those who have a physical, social or emotional difficulties.  We believe that a child may have difficulty in one curriculum area whilst being able in another.  All children deserve the opportunity to succeed and improve according to their aptitude and ability in what area of the curriculum.  We strive to provide an Inclusive Education for all.  If you ever have any concerns about your child, please do have a chat with their class teacher.