St. Laurence's Church of England

Primary School & Little Treasures' Nursery

Welcome to Year 3

As the children begin KS2, we continue to encourage them to develop their independence and resilience. The children will meet many new aspects of the curriculum for the first time, which may seem daunting at first. but with a 'have a go' attitude, they will soon develop the confidence and skills required. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about an area your child has been studying.


In year 3, we focus particularly on understanding the texts that we read and identifying the meaning of new vocabulary. We would be grateful if you would hear your child read at least 3 times a week and sign their reading diary. We appreciate your support in hearing your child read - it really does make a difference!


In year 3, we follow the Read, Write Inc scheme for spelling. The children will have a daily spelling session, often working with partners to look at spelling patterns.

New spellings will be stuck into your child's spelling book on a Monday and these will be tested on the following Monday morning. the test will be done in the spelling section of your child's reading diary so that you can see how they got on.

We would be grateful if you would sign the spelling book each week to confirm that you have seen the words that your child is practising.


Autumn: Local hills, Stone Age to Iron Age Britain, Animals including humans.

Spring: UK Counties, cities and towns, Transport, Forces and Magnets.

Summer: Local Rivers, Ancient Egypt, Rocks /Plants.


We may have to make changes to our usual visits this year but we are beginning this term with a visit to the summit of Titterstone Clee.

Useful things for Year 3's to know:

How to tie their shoe laces.

How to tell the time on an analogue clock.

The x2, x5, x10 table leading to the x3,x4 and x8 tables by the end of the Year 3.

Miss Pick Teacher

Miss Pick Teacher